Microsoft states Last Dream 16 and Quiet Slope 2 Redo won't come to Xbox consoles

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"Sony has gone into game plans with outsider distributers which require the 'prohibition' of Xbox."

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Microsoft has hit back at Sony's issue with arranged procurement of Activision Snowstorm by uncovering outsider games like Bloodborne, Last Dream 7 Revamp, Last Dream 16, and Quiet Slope 

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2 Change are party to "prohibition" arrangements that will keep those games from coming to Xbox consoles.

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The news comes as a component of Microsoft's reaction to the FTC's claim against its arranged procurement of Activision Snowstorm.

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 In the recording, Microsoft shields its situation by turning the spotlight back onto Sony, enumerating a modest bunch of "conspicuous" games the organization charges have been banished from discharge on Xbox.

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While the recording recognizes that "selectiveness methodologies are normal in the games business", Microsoft appears to disagree with Sony's associations with outsider distributers, to be specific From Programming, Square Enix, and Konami.

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"As well as having altogether select substance, Sony has likewise gone into plans with outsider distributers which require the 'rejection' of Xbox from the arrangement of stages these distributers can circulate their games on," the administrative work states

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