Chinese travelers are ready to go overseas again. Some countries are hesitant

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 A surging Covid outbreak in China. Countries imposing travel restrictions on Chinese travelers, wary of the virus being imported. Scientists warning against fearmongering and xenophobia.

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But this isn't early 2020. The familiar scene is playing out now as China battles its biggest-ever outbreak, after abandoning its stringent zero-Covid approach and partially reopening its border three years into the pandemic.

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The country announced this week it will drop quarantine requirements for international arrivals and resume outbound travel for Chinese citizens, which had previously been banned.

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It prompted a surge of eager travelers booking flights out of the country, hungry for a trip after several years of isolation -- but it also sparked concern among some overseas governments as China's Covid cases skyrocket.

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Almost half of the 212 passengers who arrived in Italy's Milan airport from China on Monday tested positive for Covid, said a regional health chief on Wednesday.

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But while countries including the US and Japan move to impose restrictions, others such France and Great Britain have made it clear

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